Math Pentathlon Club Registration is CLOSED!

Math Pentathlon Club at MHG

Math Pentathlon problem solving games provide a highly motivational format for developing and practicing important math concepts. While playing games in cooperative division age groups, students strengthen their strategic thinking and critical reasoning abilities. For more information on the program, please visit

We need YOU! The Math Pentathlon Club at MHG is successful because of our wonderful parent volunteers! Classes will be formed based on the number of parent volunteer coaches (or team coaches if you prefer to share coaching duties with another parent). If you are interested in becoming a coach or team coach for any grade, please contact MHG Math Pentathlon Club Coordinator (contact info on reverse). Coaches should be identified by mid-October to ensure adequate time for training.

Characteristics of the Program

  • Uses games to develop “active” problem solving: the ability to resolve problems which are continually undergoing change.
  • Require students to consider multiple options and formulate strategies based on expected countermoves from the other player.
  • Integrates computational, geometric/spatial, and logical scientific reasoning.
  • Motivates students to spend more time on task developing both basic skills and higher-level thinking since games are enjoyable.
  • Makes math fun for parents and motivates them to spend time learning strategies with their children.
  • Optional end of season tournament competition emphasizes cooperation and good sportsmanship.

How is the Math Pentathlon Club implemented at MHG?

The Math Pentathlon Club at MHG is led by a team of parent volunteers. The club will meet before school every Tuesday morning at 8am beginning on November 14th. All math club students will be eligible to participate in an optional Michigan area tournament held in the spring.

Classes are broken down by the following grades: DivI: K-1, DIV II: 2-3, and DIV III: 4-5. In each division there are 5 games which the children will learn and practice prior to the Math Pentathlon tournament. Parents are expected to commit to helping teach games to the children on club practice mornings as well as volunteer during the tournament at the end of the season, if your child chooses to participate. Tournament participation is not mandatory.

How does my child join Math Pentathlon Club at MHG?

***Registration is now CLOSED for the 2023-2024 School Year***.  A flyer was sent home with information on how to register your child. Classes will be limited to 12-16 students per class. Students will be accepted based on first come first serve, as well as parent participation.

What costs are involved?

Registration = $15/student (covers the cost of teaching materials, t-shirts & end of season celebration)

Tournament Participation (optional) = $49/student*

*For families with hardship, PTA scholarships can be requested

Check-out games to play at home = FREE

Purchasing your own games through the Math Pentathlon website is optional.

Math Pentathlon Club Timeline

October:   Identify coaches for each division. Involve coaches in sessions to help them learn the program.
November-January:   Teach games/activities to students in math club before school every Friday morning.
February-March:   Prepare students for tournament. Train adult volunteers to monitor games at tournament.
March-May:   Students and parents participate in an optional Mathematics Pentathlon Tournament.

Pentathlon Institute Evening Orientation Session (optional)

Pentathlon Institute will offer online orientation session for adults at starting in November. During these sessions parents will break out into grade level groups where they are introduced to each of the 5 games. If you are interested in learning more about the program please visit the Math Pentathlon website to register for this free event (orientation is mandatory for new coaches).  Use promo code: CODEFREE

SESSIONS are all CST from 6:30-7:45 PM

November 6
Div I (K-1) - Calla, Shape-Up
Div II (2-3) - FIAR, PAR 55, Sum Dominoes & Dice
Div III (4-5) - Juggle, Stars & Bars

November 9
Div IV (6-7) - Prime Gold, Pent'Em In, Q&A

November 14
Div I (K-1) - Hex-A-Gone, Kings & Quads, Star Track
Div II (2-3) - Ramrod, Kwatro Sinko
Div III (4-5) - Queens & Guards, FAB-A-Diffy, Contig 60

November 16
Div I (K-1) - Calla, Shape-Up
Div II (2-3) - FIAR, PAR 55, Sum Dominoes & Dice
Div III (4-5) - Juggle, Stars & Bars

November 28
Div I (K-1) - Hex-A-Gone, Kings & Quads, Star Track
Div II (2-3) - Ramrod, Kwatro Sinko
Div III (4-5) - Queens & Guards, FAB-A-Diffy, Contig 60

December 7
Div II (2-3) - Ramrod, Sum Dominoes & Dice
Div III (4-5) - Stars & Bars, FAB-A-Diffy
Div IV (6-7)- Frac Fact, Remainder Islands, Fraction Pinball

National Math Pentathlon Tournaments (optional)

Students who have become proficient at the games may wish to test their problem-solving abilities with students from other schools at a National Math Pentathlon Tournament. Each participant is matched with a different player at the same grade level from different schools for each of the 5 games. Each two-person game is officiated by one adult volunteer game monitor.

Division I (Grades K-1): May 4, 2024 @ Walled Lake Northern High School

Division II (Grades 2-3): April 6, 2024 @ Bloomfield Hills High School

Division III (Grades 4-5): May 11, 2024 @ Stoney Creek High School in Rochester Hills

Parents! You can make a difference in your child's life by creating a positive attitude and high self-esteem in math! If you are interested in seeing this program at MHG and would like to coach any grade level please contact

MHG Math Pentathlon Parent Co-Chairs:
Lorelei Anderson
248-472-8101(call or text)

SuVon Treece
313-443-2368(call or text)

Johanna Curtis